INFM HIL Interface
Interface between Artery simulation and DuTs
REST API Server for HIL - REST Dummy DuT


This API Server was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. It uses the Restbed Framework.


Put the package under your project folder and import the API stubs. You need to complete the server stub, as it needs to be connected to a source.

Libraries required

  • boost_system
  • ssl (if Restbed was built with SSL Support)
  • crypto
  • pthread
  • restbed



Perform request here, framework cpp-restbed-server

"openAPIUrl": "",
"options": {
"apiPackage": "dummy_dut::rest::api",
"modelPackage": "dummy_dut::rest::model"

The following changes were done to the auto-generated files:

  • Auto-format
  • In DefaultApi.cpp:
    • Create shared_ptr for message object from body and load json text into object.
    • Change default return for callbacks to 501 - Not Implemented and always return a response.
    • Change implementation of the following method (to allow for ServerSent Events (SSE)):
      void DefaultApiDashboardMessagesResource::GET_method_handler(const std::shared_ptr<restbed::Session> session) {
      const auto headers = std::multimap<std::string, std::string>{
      {"Connection", "keep-alive"},
      {"Cache-Control", "no-cache"},
      {"Content-Type", "text/event-stream"}
      session->yield(200, headers, [this](const std::shared_ptr<restbed::Session> &session) {
  • In DefaultApi.h:
    • Remove unused variable std::string clientUrl{} from DefaultApiReadResource to avoid shadowing.
    • Add necessary variable std::shared_ptr<Message> message{} to DefaultApiDashboardResource (missing from generated code, in other resource present).