INFM HIL Interface
Interface between Artery simulation and DuTs
V2X Connector

This connector provides an interface between a network interface for V2X and this interface.

A raw socket is opened on the configured interface and the packets received are sent as events to the simulation. Similarly, received V2X events are sent out over the socket.

⚠ The raw socket requires root privileges to be opened, alternatively the CAP_NET_RAW capability needs to be given to the executable


  • root or CAP_NET_RAW capability, can be set via sudo setcap cap_net_raw=ep executable


  • ifname network interface to use for sending and receiving
  • ethernetFrameType two bytes for the indication of frameType after the source and destination MAC in the ethernet header
  • operations, periodicOperations, periodicTimerEnabled from Base Connector are not used ( fixed operation of "V2X", no periodic sending)


To test the V2X Connector two virtual interfaces can be created and linked together with the following commands.

sudo ip link add veth0 type veth peer name veth1
sudo ip link set veth0 up
sudo ip link set veth1 up

Packets send to veth0 are received on veth1 and vice versa.