INFM HIL Interface
Interface between Artery simulation and DuTs
REST Dummy DuT

This dummy provides the possibility to send and receive messages.

To build and execute you can use docker (optionally mount a config file).

The dummy DuT is reachable on http://localhost:9090/dashboard by default.

The config file found in this folder is used as default. Every line represents one supported operation, everything that is not found in this list is rejected by the DuT.

docker build -t your-image-name .
docker run -it --rm -p 9090:9090 -v $(pwd)/config:/opt/config:ro your-image-name

If you want to compile locally the following libraries are needed:

  • libasio-dev
  • libssl-dev

This implementation uses the restbed framework as well as the OpenAPI Stub Generator.

Restbed is provided as git submodule, use git submodule update or git clone --recursive in order to checkout with submodules, but only --depth 1 is needed

The generated stub (from OpenApi Spec) has to be slightly modified, see generatedAPI/