INFM HIL Interface
Interface between Artery simulation and DuTs
boost::serialization Namespace Reference


template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::ConnectorConfig &config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void save_construct_data (Archive &ar, const sim_interface::dut_connector::ConnectorConfig *config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void load_construct_data (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::ConnectorConfig *instance, const unsigned int file_version)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::rest_dummy::RESTConnectorConfig &config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void save_construct_data (Archive &ar, const sim_interface::dut_connector::rest_dummy::RESTConnectorConfig *config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void load_construct_data (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::rest_dummy::RESTConnectorConfig *instance, const unsigned int file_version)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::v2x::V2XConnectorConfig &config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void save_construct_data (Archive &ar, const sim_interface::dut_connector::v2x::V2XConnectorConfig *config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void load_construct_data (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::v2x::V2XConnectorConfig *instance, const unsigned int file_version)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorConfig &config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void save_construct_data (Archive &ar, const sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorConfig *config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void load_construct_data (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorConfig *instance, const unsigned int file_version)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, std::map< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > &config, unsigned)
template<class Archive >
void save_construct_data (Archive &ar, const std::map< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > *config, unsigned)
template<class Archive >
void load_construct_data (Archive &ar, std::map< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > *config, unsigned)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, std::pair< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > &p, unsigned)
template<class Archive >
void save_construct_data (Archive &ar, const std::pair< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > *pair, const unsigned int file_version)
template<class Archive >
void load_construct_data (Archive &ar, std::pair< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > *pair, const unsigned int file_version)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation &config, unsigned)
template<class Archive >
void save_construct_data (Archive &ar, const sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation *instance, const unsigned int file_version)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, bcm_timeval &config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void load_construct_data (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation *instance, const unsigned int file_version)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation &config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void save_construct_data (Archive &ar, const sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation *config, const unsigned int version)
template<class Archive >
void load_construct_data (Archive &ar, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation *instance, const unsigned int file_version)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, std::map< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > &config, unsigned)
template<class Archive >
void save_construct_data (Archive &ar, const std::map< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > *config, unsigned)
template<class Archive >
void load_construct_data (Archive &ar, std::map< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > *config, unsigned)
template<class Archive >
void serialize (Archive &ar, std::pair< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > &p, unsigned)
template<class Archive >
void save_construct_data (Archive &ar, const std::pair< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > *pair, const unsigned int file_version)
template<class Archive >
void load_construct_data (Archive &ar, std::pair< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > *pair, const unsigned int file_version)

Detailed Description

namespace boost::serialization: overwrite the boost:serialization methods

ConfigSerializerCanConnector: These methods are for de-/ serializing the CANConnectorConfig namespace boost::serialization: overwrite the boost:serialization methods

Function Documentation

◆ load_construct_data() [1/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::load_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorConfig instance,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: load_construct_data --> deserialize CANConnectorConfig

araddress of an archive to deserialize
instancepointer of a CANConnectorConfig object to deserialize
file_versionconstant unsigned int --> unused
_interfaceName,_codecName,_operations,*_frameToOperationPointer,*_operationToFramePointer,_periodicOperations,_periodicTimerEnabledcreate helping attributes for deserializing deserialize now the helping attributes of the CANConnectorConfig object overwrite the current object from class with the helping variables

◆ load_construct_data() [2/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::load_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation instance,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: load_construct_data --> deserialize CANConnectorReceiveOperation

araddress of an archive to deserialize
instancepointer of a CANConnectorReceiveOperation object to deserialize
file_versionconstant unsigned int --> unused
_operation,_isCANFD,_hasMask,_maskLength,_maskcreate helping attributes for serializing deserialize now the helping attributes of the CANConnectorReceiveOperation object overwrite the current object from class with the helping variables

◆ load_construct_data() [3/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::load_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation instance,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: load_construct_data --> deserialize CANConnectorSendOperation

araddress of an archive to deserialize
instancepointer of a CANConnectorSendOperation object to deserialize
file_versionconstant unsigned int --> unused
_canID,_isCANFD,_isCyclic,_announce,_countIval1,_ival1,_ival2create helping attributes for deserializing deserialize now the helping attributes of the CANConnectorSendOperation object

if the attribute _canID is an hex-value

ssstringstream for handling hex-values convert the string into hex value and put it into the stringstream put stringstream into _canID else
ssstringstream to put it into _canID write the string into the stringstream put stringstream into _canID

overwrite the current object from class with the helping variables

◆ load_construct_data() [4/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::load_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::ConnectorConfig instance,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: load_construct_data --> deserialize ConnectorConfig

araddress of an archive to deserialize
instancepointer of a ConnectorConfig object to deserialized
file_versionconstant unsigned int --> unused
_operations,_periodicOperations,_periodicTimerEnabledcreate helping attributes for deserializing deserialize now the helping attributes of the ConnectorConfig object overwrite the current object from class with the helping variables

◆ load_construct_data() [5/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::load_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::rest_dummy::RESTConnectorConfig instance,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: load_construct_data --> deserialize RESTConnectorConfig

araddress of an archive to deserialize
instancepointer of a RESTConnectorConfig object to sdeerialize
file_versionconstant unsigned int --> unused
_baseUrlDuT,_baseCallbackUrl,_port,_operations,_periodicOperations,_periodicTimerEnabledcreate helping attributes for deserializing deserialize now the helping attributes of the RESTConnectorConfig object overwrite the current object from class with the helping variables

◆ load_construct_data() [6/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::load_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::v2x::V2XConnectorConfig instance,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: load_construct_data --> deserialize V2XConnectorConfig

araddress of an archive to deserialize
instancepointer of a V2XConnectorConfig object to deserialize
file_versionconstant unsigned int --> unused
_ifname,_ethernetFrameTypecreate helping attributes for serializing and creating a new xml-file for checking deserialize now the helping attributes of the V2XConnectorConfig object
_helperString for handling hex-values

if the attribute ethernetFrameType is an hex-value

ssStringstream for handling hex-values convert the string into hex value and put it into the stringstream put stringstream into _ethernetFrameType else
ssStringstream to put it into _ethernetFrameType write the string into the stringstream put stringstream into _ethernetFrameType

overwrite the current object from class with the helping variables

◆ load_construct_data() [7/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::load_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
std::map< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > *  config,

method: load_construct_data --> deserialize the map with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation

araddress of an archive to deserialize
configpointer of the map with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation to deserialize
unsignedunsigned int --> unused
_pair,_count,_mapcreate helping attributes for deserializing deserialize count for loop: deserialize every element in the pair insert the pair into helping map

overwrite the current map from class with the helping variables

◆ load_construct_data() [8/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::load_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
std::map< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > *  config,

method: load_construct_data --> deserialize the map with string and CANConnectorSendOperation

araddress of an archive to deserialize
configaddress of the map with string and CANConnectorSendOperation to deserialize
unsignedunsigned int --> unused
_pair,_count,_mapcreate helping attributes for deserializing deserialize count for loop: deserialize every element in the pair insert the pair into helping map

overwrite the current map with the helping variables

◆ load_construct_data() [9/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::load_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
std::pair< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > *  pair,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: load_construct_data --> deserialize the pair with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation

araddress of an archive to deserialize
pairaddress of the pair with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation to deserialize
file_versionunsigned int --> unused
_key,*_valuecreate helping attributes for deserializing deserialize _key:canid deserialize _value:CANConnectorReceiveOperation

if the attribute canid is an hex-value

ssStringstream for handling hex-values convert the string into hex value and put it into the stringstream put stringstream into canid else
ssStringstream to put it into canid write the string into the stringstream put stringstream into canid overwrite the pair with the helping variables

◆ load_construct_data() [10/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::load_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
std::pair< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > *  pair,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: load_construct_data --> deserialize the map with string and CANConnectorSendOperation

araddress of an archive to deserialize
pairaddress of the pair with string and CANConnectorSendOperation to deserialize
file_versionunsigned int --> unused
_key,*_valuecreate helping attributes for serializing and creating a new xml-file for checking deserialize _key:operation deserialize _value:CANConnectorSendOperation overwrite the current pair with the helping variables

◆ save_construct_data() [1/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::save_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
const sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorConfig config,
const unsigned int  version 

method: save_construct_data --> serialize CANConnectorConfig

araddress of an archive to serialize
configpointer of a CANConnectorConfig object to serialize
versionconstant unsigned int --> unused serialize now the attributes of the CANConnectorConfig object:
interfaceName,codecName,operations,*frameToOperationPointer,*operationToFramePointer,periodicOperations,periodicTimerEnabledfind tag in the serialized xml and get the same attribute via pointer

◆ save_construct_data() [2/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::save_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
const sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation config,
const unsigned int  version 

method: save_construct_data --> serialize CANConnectorReceiveOperation

araddress of an archive to deserialize
instancepointer of a CANConnectorReceiveOperation object to serialize
versionconstant unsigned int --> unused serialize now the attributes of the CANConnectorReceiveOperation object:
operation,isCANFD,hasMask,maskLength,maskfind tag in the serialized xml and get the same attribute via pointer

◆ save_construct_data() [3/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::save_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
const sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation instance,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: save_construct_data --> serialize CANConnectorSendOperation

araddress of an archive to serialize
instancepointer of a CANConnectorSendOperation object to serialize
versionconstant unsigned int --> unused

serialize now the attributes of the CANConnectorSendOperation object:

canID,isCANFD,isCyclic,announce,countIval1,ival1,ival2find tag in the serialized xml and get the same attribute via pointer

◆ save_construct_data() [4/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::save_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
const sim_interface::dut_connector::ConnectorConfig config,
const unsigned int  version 

method: save_construct_data --> serialize ConnectorConfig

araddress of an archive to serialize
configpointer of a ConnectorConfig object to serialized
versionconstant unsigned int --> unused

serialize now the attributes of the ConnectorConfig object:

operations,periodicOperations,periodicTimerEnabledfind tag in the serialized xml and get the same attribute via pointer

◆ save_construct_data() [5/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::save_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
const sim_interface::dut_connector::rest_dummy::RESTConnectorConfig config,
const unsigned int  version 

method: save_construct_data --> serialize RESTConnectorConfig

araddress of an archive to serialize
configpointer of a RESTConnectorConfig object to serialize
versionconstant unsigned int --> unused

serialize now the attributes of the RESTConnectorConfig object:

baseUrlDuT,baseCallbackUrl,port,operations,periodicOperations,periodicTimerEnabledfind tag in the serialized xml and get the same attribute via pointer

◆ save_construct_data() [6/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::save_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
const sim_interface::dut_connector::v2x::V2XConnectorConfig config,
const unsigned int  version 

method: save_construct_data --> serialize V2XConnectorConfig

araddress of an archive to serialize
configpointer of a V2XConnectorConfig object to serialize
versionconstant unsigned int --> unused

serialize now the attributes of the V2XConnectorConfig object:

ifname,ethernetFrameTypefind tag in the serialized xml and get the same attribute via pointer

◆ save_construct_data() [7/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::save_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
const std::map< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > *  config,

method: save_construct_data --> serialize the map with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation

araddress of an archive to serialize
configpointer of the map with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation to serialize
unsigned--> unused
countcontains the length of the config pointer(size of the map) serialize count for each loop: run through each address in the config pointer (map)
pointerconst auto *pointer = make a pointer to a pair with the map and cast it serialize every element in the map

◆ save_construct_data() [8/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::save_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
const std::map< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > *  config,
ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them method: save_construct_data --> serialize the map with string and CANConnectorSendOperation
araddress of an archive to serialize
configaddress of the map with string and CANConnectorSendOperation to serialize
unsigned--> unused
countcontains the length of the config pointer(size of the map) serialize count

for each loop: run through each address in the config pointer (map)

pointerconst auto *pointer = make a pointer to a pair with the map and cast it serialize every element in the map

◆ save_construct_data() [9/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::save_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
const std::pair< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > *  pair,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: save_construct_data --> serialize the pair with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation

araddress of an archive to serialize
pairaddress of the pair with canid_t and CANConnectorSendOperation to serialize
file_version--> unused
pointer*pointer form type CANConnectorReceiveOperation and save CANConnectorReceiveOperation via *pair

serialize operation and CANConnectorSendOperation

◆ save_construct_data() [10/10]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::save_construct_data ( Archive &  ar,
const std::pair< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > *  pair,
const unsigned int  file_version 

method: save_construct_data --> serialize the pair with string and CANConnectorSendOperation

araddress of an archive to serialize
pairaddress of the pair with string and CANConnectorSendOperation to serialize
file_version--> unused
pointer*pointer form type CANConnectorSendOperation and save the second values of CANConnectorSendOperation via pair serialize operation and CANConnectorSendOperation

◆ serialize() [1/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
bcm_timeval &  config,
const unsigned int  version 

method: serialize

araddress of an archive
configaddress of bcm_timeval for seconds and microseconds
versionconst unsigned int --> unused serialize now the seconds and microseconds of bcm_timeval

◆ serialize() [2/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorConfig config,
const unsigned int  version 

Implementation the boost serialization for CANConnectorConfig

ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them

method: serialize

araddress of an archive
configaddress of a CANConnectorConfig object
versionconstant unsigned int --> unused --> method is empty

◆ serialize() [3/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation config,
const unsigned int  version 

Implementation the boost serialization for CANConnectorReceiveOperation

ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them method: serialize
araddress of an archive
configaddress of a CANConnectorReceiveOperation object
versionconst unsigned int--> unused --> method is empty

◆ serialize() [4/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation config,

Implementation the boost serialization for CANConnectorSendOperation

ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them

method: serialize

araddress of an archive
configaddress of a CANConnectorSendOperation object
unsignedunsigned --> unused --> method is empty

◆ serialize() [5/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::ConnectorConfig config,
const unsigned int  version 

Implementation the boost serialization for ConnectorConfig

ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them method: serialize
araddress of an archive
configaddress of a ConnectorConfig object
versionconstant unsigned int --> unused --> method is empty

◆ serialize() [6/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::rest_dummy::RESTConnectorConfig config,
const unsigned int  version 

Implementation the boost serialization for RESTConnectorConfig

ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them method: serialize
araddress of an archive
configaddress of a RESTConnectorConfig object
versionconstant unsigned int --> unused --> method is empty

◆ serialize() [7/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
sim_interface::dut_connector::v2x::V2XConnectorConfig config,
const unsigned int  version 

Implementation the boost serialization for V2XConnectorConfig

ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them method: serialize
araddress of an archive
configaddress of a V2XConnectorConfig object
versionconstant unsigned int --> unused --> method is empty

◆ serialize() [8/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
std::map< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > &  config,

Implementation the boost serialization for the map with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation

ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them

method: serialize

araddress of an archive
configaddress of the map with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation
unsigned--> unused --> method is empty

◆ serialize() [9/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
std::map< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > &  config,

Implementation the boost serialization for the map with string and CANConnectorSendOperation

ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them method: serialize
araddress of an archive
paddress of the pair with string and CANConnectorSendOperation
unsigned--> unused --> method is empty

◆ serialize() [10/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
std::pair< canid_t, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorReceiveOperation > &  p,
ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them

Implementation the boost serialization for the pair with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation

method: serialize

araddress of an archive
paddress of the pair with canid_t and CANConnectorReceiveOperation
unsigned--> unused --> method is empty

◆ serialize() [11/11]

template<class Archive >
void boost::serialization::serialize ( Archive &  ar,
std::pair< std::string, sim_interface::dut_connector::can::CANConnectorSendOperation > &  p,

Implementation the boost serialization for the map with string and CANConnectorSendOperation

ArchiveTemplates for any class, so that the following methods can be used by them method: serialize
araddress of an archive
paddress of the pair with string and CANConnectorSendOperation
unsigned--> unused --> method is empty